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Sazerac CocktailTo celebrate the French heritage of New Orleans, recommends a twist on the classic Sazerac….

Introducing Café Sazarac Cocktail made with coffee, absinthe, and cognac for Mardi Gras!

Café Sazarac


1.5 oz. CAMUS VSOP Cognac
.5 oz. CAMUS Coffee French Roast, brewed and chilled
2 dashes Peychaud’s bitters
2 dashes chocolate bitters
Lucid Absinthe rinse
Simple syrup

Directions: Add all but absinthe to a mixing glass. Stir. Strain into a chilled rocks glass with an absinthe rinse. Garnish with an orange peel.


Mardi Gras  New Orleans 2013 Bourbon Street

Mardi Gras in New Orleans 2013 on Bourbon Street

Le Chat Noir

Le Chat Noir and the French poster were the inspiration behind Lucid Absinthe’s cat eyes the bottle

Vintage French Poster of Camus Cognac

Vintage French Poster of Camus Cognac

CAMUS Coffee

CAMUS Coffee



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